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Bringing the Power of Plastic Recycling to the People in Shareable!
In a world awash with plastic trash, the complexity and cost of recycling plastic on an industrial scale remain a challenge, but one innovative enterprise wants to put the power to recycle in the hands of communities.
Precious Plastic has developed a scalable DIY recycling model that reconceives plastic waste as a precious resource. Founded by Dutch inventor Dave Hakkens, Precious Plastic offers an open-source template for constructing micro-plastic factories so people around the world can help clean up local neighborhoods and start their own businesses as plastic crafters. The site has step-by-step videos and technical drawings to guide people through collecting plastic waste, shredding it and refabricating it into useful items.
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Chana WidawskiA social worker…..working socially, around the globe. Archives
August 2020